If you have a good credit score, getting a quick personal loan should not be a problem. You can go to your bank and ask if you can get a checking account with over draft protection. If you can, you can just use your checking account to give yourself a loan if you only need the money for a short time frame. If you have a credit card, you can get a quick personal loan by taking a cash advance from the card. This is good also if you need the money only for a short time span,
If your car is completely paid for, you can usually get a quick personal loan by pledging your car as collateral for the loan. Banks that make car loans will usually help you with this type of loan. It will be a lot easier if the bank is your personal bank. If you have other assets that you can use as collateral, you should be able to get a loan pretty easily. Using the loan department at your personal bank is the best place to start. Most banks make personal loans. If you have a bank that does not make personal loans, you should find a new bank.
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If you do not have a high credit score and can't get a conventional loan you might consider taking your jewelry that has some value to a local pawn shop. Most pawn shops will give you a loan if you give up possession of the watch or whatever you have that is of value. Usually, they give you a certain amount of time to pay off the loan before they will sell your valuables. If you only need the money for a short time, you can use this method and just pay the loan off as soon as you get the money and reclaim your property.
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